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User 201

#1 - Envysion Users & Logins

Demonstration of how to add and edit users in Envysion

#2 - Envysion User Commands

Demonstration of how to interact inside the Envysion window

#3 - Envysion Basic Navigation

Getting around inside of your Envysion System

#4 - Envysion Reports

An overview of the reporting system inside Envysion

#5 - Envysion Schedules

Demonstration of the Scheduling system inside Envysion

#6 - Envysion Advanced Config

Diving into some behind the scenes settings

#7 - Floorplan Editing

Setting up a new floorplan in Envysion

#8 - History Extensions

Demonstration on how to add extensions to points for visual aides

#9 - Advanced Nav & Editing

A more in depth look into getting around and setting up Envysion

#10 - Advanced Navigation

Getting around inside Envysion
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